Learn new skills or refresh existing knowledge

The North East Skin Surgery Course is a one day course covering tissue handling, wound management and surgical approaches to cutaneous lesions. The course will take place in Darlington Memorial Hospital, County Durham. This intensive hands-on course will enable participants to develop and enhance their surgical skills.
The Course is specifically designed for GPs and nurse specialists with a special interest in dermatology, GP trainees and junior doctors training in Dermatology and Emergency Medicine.
The North East Skin Surgery Course Faculty includes senior plastic surgeons from across the North East of England. Places will be limited to 20 and early booking is advised."The course allowed me to gain a good foundation of basic suturing which I can hopefully expand on"
Aims and objectives of the course are to provide an introduction to:
- Local Anaesthesia
- Tissue handling
- Basic and advanced suturing
- Skin closure
- Local skin flaps
- Excision of skin lesions
- Cryotherapy
- Electrocautery
- Wound management
- Dissection of cutaneous lesions
- Management of common conditions